" You need to learn to select your thoughts the same way you select your clothes every day.' -Liz Gilbert Thoughts are powerful when we do not manage them properly. If you are on my website, then you know my work is based on my 14-year journey through Anorexia. This debilitating disease focusses greatly on thought, or the voices in one's head that feed ironically the eating disorder. My thoughts would beat me up 24/7 without fail. Recovery was the first time that this notion of being able to change my thoughts was placed in my hands. I could not even consider it when I was at my worst in the disease, but over time when I opened myself up to idea that I could change the thought pattern. Choices. It was not easy, it is not easy even today, but I know that I can do so when I need to. How do you allow your thoughts to define your journey? Do I challenge your thoughts when they don't mirror who I you are? How can you practice naming your thoughts more honestly and openly to better the path you are walking? More Minute Retreats Here...
How often do you think of your life in terms of wanting to be secure? We want all that can be in order, for our family or for ourselves. If we can put all our ducks in a row as they say, life will be at peace. But will it? Nothing is really ever solid or dead set in stone. The adventure of living, breathing and existing is that we cannot predict what the next will be no matter how hard we try to do so. The bottom line is that anything can happen at any given moment. So, with that in mind, why not risk? Why not try something new? Start small and work up to the grand steps, but do not hold back. Life is too short to go along with the ways of that we are told. The gifts, the adventure and real passion for living lies in the risk, the unknown!
Release. How hard is it to allow others to have their own experiences without judgement? We have been living in a time where people feel it is their right to judge another person's experience. The truth is, it is not ours to judge or own in any way. Maybe we do have an opinion about someone else's journey, actions, or choices. But truth be told the issue lies within ourselves. No doubt that whenever we find the need to comment on another’s situation or experience, it likely is because we do not want to face our own struggles or experience. Triggers happen every day all day from almost anything. What if you began to see them as a gift that will allow you to grow, heal, create and be? What it you simply allowed someone to have their experience without comment? Release yourself from the need to be in others journey.
Who is the first person who ever told you to 'stop crying?' This statement rings true for so many of us as we were brought up and in this world during a time where emotions were frowned upon. Admittedly, times are changing and there is a better understanding of the value of expressing our feelings. Still so many of us hold back in fear of others' impressions of us when we express our pain. I believe it takes great courage to be true to who we are and honest in how we feel in any given situation. There is a difference in over sharing our emotions and healthily expressing our real humanness. When we learn the difference and walk through this world without fear, people will engage in the true person whom they see.
Next Women's Beach Retreat!Follow USOur YouTube ChannelAuthorAndrea creates, builds, and offers her teachings and hands on life tools based on her journey healing her body image after a 14yr battle and life of trauma. Her vision always is to help others live a full life with the journey they are given. Featured ProductCategories
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