My word for 2020 is RECLAIM. re·claim /rəˈklām/ verb To retrieve or recover (something previously lost); obtain the return of. I have been watching several others take on this word as the year has been coming to an end. The very first time that I saw it appear before me, a familiar passion ignited deep within me. I knew this was my word. I knew this was the word I needed to hear. I knew that this was the word that effortlessly described my immediate footsteps on this earth. I knew that this was the word that captured my spirit today in the present moment! I Reclaim my VOICE I Reclaim my POWER I Reclaim my STORY I Reclaim my TRUTH I Reclaim my SOUL I Reclaim. What is life if we don’t take a couple steps backwards at times. Those are the most valuable and courageous steps that we can take on our journey. The lessons and gifts in those steps are endless and allow us to grow deeper in our ultimate passion and destiny. Today, I RECLAIM. I will not allow others lack of courage to see, to hear or to embrace their truth on their journey crowd my story. I will not allow others fears try to define my path I am choosing to walk. My story speaks louder than their fear. My passion breathes deeper than their insecurities. My steps guide the journey for my soul, not theirs. I release responsibility today. I will not take on others’ energy. We are walking into the New Year today. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a fan of this day. There is an incredible unrealistic pressure and high expectation put onto people that really sets up any one person for failure. I practice living every day as my best day. Every day I wake up and I want to give it my all no matter if I am feeling like the world is against me or that I am on top of the world. My dreams are not only valuable on one day. My dreams are not only viable on one day. My dreams do not just come true on one day! My dreams are every day and all the time. Today, I challenge you to RECLAIM. This is your journey and no one else’s. You define the path you want to walk today and always!
If you follow my work, you know very well I despise resolutions, LIFE is EVERY day!
It is our family tradition to go on an INTENTION hike, JOURNAL, and create a family VISION COLLAGE for the year ahead. This allows us to gather our hopes, aspirations as a family and personal journeys, then visualize a year of possibilities. We place the collage in the kitchen, the most central place in the house to be reminded daily of our focus. As my children get older the conversations are getting deeper and the collage is definitely growing in its own depth! It is a reminder that we are to live our best life on a daily basis, not just set what is often an unrealistic goal to be met for the year ahead. This way keep the conversation alive and walk faithfully through the year working on our best journey. What is you intention going to be for the year ahead? How can you live your best life on a daily basis? Check out more 3 Minute Retreats here! |
Next Women's Beach Retreat!Follow USOur YouTube ChannelAuthorAndrea creates, builds, and offers her teachings and hands on life tools based on her journey healing her body image after a 14yr battle and life of trauma. Her vision always is to help others live a full life with the journey they are given. Featured ProductCategories
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